Miss Nederland is saying goodbye 1113

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Miss Nederland is saying goodbye 1113
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Miss Nederland is saying goodbye

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Miss Nederland is saying goodbye Empty Miss Nederland is saying goodbye

Post  bonner Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:13 pm

After years of history full of glamour, talent, and inspiration, Miss Nederland is saying goodbye to the title that many have closed in the hearts. But this is not the end; it's a new beginning. The world is changing, and we are changing too.

Miss Netherlands transforms to Not Meer Van This Time: a platform that is about mental health, social media, diversity, self-expression and much more. No more crowns, but stories that touch. No dresses, but dreams coming to life. Here we inspire young people to be themselves in a world full of motion.

Curious about this adventure? Visit us at and discover how together we build a future where everyone shines in their own way.

Welcome to the new age!

Miss Nederland is saying goodbye 46984510

Number of posts : 124853
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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