Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 1113

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Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 1113
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Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009

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Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 Empty Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009

Post  Tidus Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:44 pm

Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 23t1g5i

Controversy continues to storm Miss Bahamas Organization as news broke out yesterday that Ife Bethel-Sears resigned as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009. She was the first runner up at the Miss Bahamas 2009 pageant where Kiara Sherman emerged as the victor or the over-all winner.

Humor has it that the reason why she relinquished her crown is because she is not happy with her placement from the very start. According to some pageant observers, she really wanted the title of Miss Bahamas or nothing. And, because more and more Bahamians are expressing their disappointments over the selection of Kiara as the over-all winner, Ife saw this opportunity to jump in to the bandwagon. This is her own way of protesting of what she believes as unfair judgment.

Well, as a pageant observer, this act from a beauty queen who did not get the top prize shows lack of sportsmanship. Ife is definitely bitter. In my own standard, this attitude from Ife does not make her a real beauty queen. So, it is just right that she resigned because I personally believe she can't perform the duties of a beauty queen. She is not a role model.

Thus, I am praising her decision of stepping down from her throne. Clap! Clap! Clap!

Bethel-Sears is the daughter of the former Minister of Education and Attorney General of the Bahamas Alfred Sears. This might be one of the factors why she was brave enough to resign. I am just speculating.

There is no development yet on who will replace her.

source:beauty in pageants

Gone Baby,Gone Wink

Number of posts : 13118
Age : 42
Location : HELLAS
Favourite Pageant : Miss World
Favourite Miss : Zi Lin Zhang
Registration date : 2008-08-01

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Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 Empty Re: Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009

Post  Lucky Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:52 pm

Hm, actually Ife was good for Miss Earth IMO. I am really curious who replace her. The truth is the winner is bad.

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Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009 Empty Re: Ife Bethel Sears Resigns as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009

Post  Tidus Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:55 pm

Lucky wrote:Hm, actually Ife was good for Miss Earth IMO. I am really curious who replace her. The truth is the winner is bad.

true Ife was in many lists of the forum and she was a good possibility for miss earth. but bahamas universe is full of scandals at this points and i guess she doesnt want her name involved in any kind of way with it.

Gone Baby,Gone Wink

Number of posts : 13118
Age : 42
Location : HELLAS
Favourite Pageant : Miss World
Favourite Miss : Zi Lin Zhang
Registration date : 2008-08-01

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