Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 1113

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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 1113
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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007)

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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) Empty Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007)

Post  stan_brusher Sun May 08, 2011 11:21 am


Yuliana Lezhepekova - model from Ukraine.
She became 1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007 on famous beauty contest in Kiev.
Also she is a graduating student of Gordeev facetting's presentation school 469!

More photos

Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 16
Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 14
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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 01
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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 04
Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 23
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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 46
Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 47
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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 12
Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) 28

Number of posts : 11
Location : Moscow
Favourite Pageant : Miss AlGora 469
Favourite Miss : Anna Parkhomenko
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007) Empty Re: Yuliana Lezhepekova (1st Vice-Miss Algora 469 - 2007)

Post  Wojtek Sun May 08, 2011 11:26 am

Her eyes are hypnotizing

Number of posts : 29652
Age : 33
Location : Poland
Favourite Pageant : None
Favourite Miss : Aneta Kreglicka, Alyssa Campanella
Registration date : 2010-06-24

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