Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 1113

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Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 1113
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Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National)

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Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) Empty Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National)

Post  JEANP Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:44 pm

Raphaëlle Amacin
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 71c9b690d43ecd8baa2836ca3cbb3e1a_240x281p

Christina Ciderf
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 000c2fffa92cf2a144f291956d850643_240x285p

Cindy Gérion
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) Bba4f38a0d84682a1d3e808a9c1be6ff_240x280p

Kimberley Glorieux
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) A7b14ee889a76c231fa4c0fe415bbb66_240x289p

Amendrine Goram
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 35c544052e256afe5ea90eda295402cb_240x276p

Maeva Linco
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) Dd54d437586a4f9a67f45aa8f7b5d9d7_240x280p

Manuella Ruart

Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 8123481850ffd89cc77e28d0929d954e_240x279p

Marie Vatïllingnon
Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) 0850f3d76b7c8622a36058c283bd69b5_240x292p

One of them will succed to Sandy Falémé , Miss Guadeloupe 2011-2012.

Number of posts : 4147
Age : 30
Location : Midi-Pyrénées, France
Favourite Pageant : Miss France
Miss Supranational
Favourite Miss : Malika Ménard
Chloé Mortaud
Gwendoline Ruais
Oxana federova
Anastagia Pierre
Marigona Dragusha
Zuljeily Andino
Maria Tsagaraki
Valérie Bègue
Virgine Dechenaud
Diane Necio
Denice André
Jessica Barboza
Dominique Peltier
Michelle Rouillard
Christianne Martelle
Denise Perrier

Registration date : 2011-08-13

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Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National) Empty Re: Contestnt for Miss Guadleoupe 2012-2013 (For Miss Prestige National)

Post  Thomas876 Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:32 pm

1. Marie (by far)
2. Maeva

The rest...NEXT!


Number of posts : 241
Location : France.
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe and Miss France.
Favourite Miss : FRENCH : Virginie Déchenaud, Delphine Wespsier, Christiane Martel, Denise Perrier, Clémence Oleksy, Chloé Mortaud, Analisa Kebaili, Solène Froment, Hinarani de Longeaux, Laetizia Penmellen, Flora Coquerel, Camille Cerf, Alicia Aylies, Maëva Coucke, Ophély Mézino, Amandine Petit, Diane Leyre and Iris Mittenaere.

OTHERS : Alena Shishkova, Nadine Ames, Janine Tugonon, Melinda Bam, Ximena Javarette, Iliana Papageorgiou, Maria Tsagaraki, Jade Kelsall, Mary Margaret McCord, Olga Storozhenko, Amy Willerton, Marta Stepien, Karishma Ramdev, Janick Maceta, Oxana Rivera and Ashley Ann Carino.
Registration date : 2012-06-26

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