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 Doras Heart  Empty Doras Heart

Post  Pustala Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:22 pm

Last edited by Pustala on Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:47 pm; edited 5 times in total


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 Doras Heart  Empty Miss World 2015 contestant to open Asia-Pacific day in Taipei

Post  Pustala Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:31 am

Miss World 2015 contestant to open Asia-Pacific day in Taipei.

TAIPEI -- A contestant in the Miss World 2015 pageant, Hillarie Parungao of the Philippines, is scheduled to attend the opening Saturday of an event in Taipei designed to showcase music, dance and food from across the Asia-Pacific region.


The event is aimed at promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between Taiwan and other countries in the region, according to the organizers.

Parungao was invited to attend the event to help promote exchanges between Taiwan and the Philippines, the Manila Cultural and Economic Office said Thursday. The office represents Philippine interests in Taiwan in the absence of bilateral diplomatic ties.

The Philippines is one of 21 countries participating in the two-day fair, which will take place in the lobby of the Taipei Main Station, according to Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is organizing the event.

The Asia-Pacific Culture Day, now in its fifth year, presents music and dance performances by the participating countries, and showcase special products from each country, the ministry said.

“It is aimed at offering an opportunity for the public to get up close and personal with cultures of the Asia-Pacific region,” the ministry said.

Meanwhile, in an effort to promote President Tsai Ing-wen's “New Southbound Policy,” several Taiwanese cities and counties are also participating in this year's event.

Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Taichung, New Taipei, and Taoyuan municipalities, as well as Hsinchu County — all have sisterhood ties with cities in Southeast Asia, the ministry said.

The ministry expressed hope that the event “will help increase understanding of Taiwan's local culture among countries covered by the 'New Southbound Policy'” and promote bilateral exchanges.

Proposed by the Tsai administration, the policy is aimed at strengthening trade ties and other exchanges with countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

In addition to Taiwan and the Philippines, the Asia-Pacific Culture Day is also bringing together 19 other countries in the region — South Korea, Tuvalu, Palau, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, the Marshall Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, India, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, according to the ministry.

Source: CNA

Last edited by Pustala on Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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 Doras Heart  Empty Re: Doras Heart

Post  Pustala Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:34 am

Last edited by Pustala on Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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 Doras Heart  Empty Miss International 2016

Post  Pustala Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:14 pm

La 8.ª edición del Miss Supranacional, correspondiente al año 2016, se desarrollará por primera vez en dos países Polonia y Eslovaquia y su final se realizará el día 2 de diciembre en el Hall of Sports de la ciudad de Krynica-Zdrój; siendo la tercera ocasión que tal ciudad acoge el evento. Candidatas de alrededor de 80 países y territorios autónomos competirán por el título. Las candidatas serán sometidas a una elección donde 20 de ellas serán preseleccionadas, pasando a desfilar en traje de baño y traje de gala del mismo color y diseñador para reducir dicho número de preseleccionadas a 10 que hayan tenido el mejor desenvolvimiento en escena. Luego, las 10 finalistas desfilarán en traje de gala (a gusto de cada candidata) donde serán sometidas a una ronda de preguntas. Al final del evento, Stephania Stegman, Miss Supranacional 2015 de Paraguay coronará a su sucesora.
La noche final del certamen será transmitida en vivo por el canal local Polsat.

"Miss Supranational 2016 will take place in two countries, Poland and the Slovak Republic will be sharing the honour of hosting this year’s international televised pageant."


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 Doras Heart  Empty Miss World 2013, Megan Young

Post  Pustala Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:40 pm

Megan Young, Miss World 2013: "People always ask me if it's difficult to reach for your dreams. It's a YES and a NO. Yes, because there will always be hurdles and people trying to bring you down. No, because I try to always have a positive outlook. I always aspire to see the good side of things and why things are being thrown in my direction whether good or bad. I hope to spread my good energy and positive outlook to those around me so that they can aspire for greatness as well!"
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 Doras Heart  Empty Miss Grand International

Post  Pustala Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:45 pm

Miss Grand International:
Under the corporation and sponsorship from governments and organizations that will make a stand for the betterment of humanity.
As can be seen presently, wars exist on many layers, from full scale confrontations between nations, to violence in the home. All of these wars must be eliminated if we are collectively to achieve true happiness. In an age where we are capable of reaching out to touch the stars, but we have forgotten to reach out and touch the lives around us, it is time for us to look inwards and use our combined ingenuity to make the world a better place for all humanity.
An end to war is an ideal objective of freedom, peace, and harmony within all of us; namely, country, religion, race, community and family because life is simply better when it is at peace. Our ideal objective is an end to all forms of violence and hostility. For the sake of our children and the generations to follow, it is our duty domestically and internationally to rid the world of conflict and focus our efforts on improving the quality of life for all humanity. 
Participants, license holders and sponsors can participate locally, nationally and internationally to encourage education and awareness, and that is the aim of Miss Grand International (MGI) Beauty Pageant through our STOP THE WAR and VIOLENCE campaign. The messages will be delivered across the world, at regional, national and global events, in print, online and on television. Miss Grand International Beauty Pageant aims to be the beginning for the better life for all. The participants and viewers of Miss Grand International Beauty Pageant will represent our call, a loud call for the world to join our campaign to STOP the violence that plagues our society. Come and join us.
With all of the above reasons, the advocacy and mission of Miss Grand International beauty pageant are committed to spread the message of happiness and we will take a stand and say “Stop the War and Violence."
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 Doras Heart  Empty Children at risk in the Gaza conflict

Post  Pustala Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:55 pm

The 2014 Israel-Gaza war took a heavy toll on Gaza’s children: more than 500 were killed, 3,374 were injured – nearly a third of whom suffer permanent disability – and more than 1,500 were orphaned. Hundreds of thousands were left in trauma.
The war devastated infrastructure that was already teetering on the brink of collapse. The education and health sectors were particularly hard hit. During the 51-day conflict, 258 schools and kindergartens were damaged, including 26 schools that are beyond repair. Seven health facilities were destroyed and 67 hospitals and clinics were damaged.
Two years later, Gaza’s children and their families continue to suffer from slow recovery due in large part to an economic blockade that has gone on for nearly a decade. Only a fraction of the 18,000 households that lost their homes in the conflict have been able to rebuild due to restrictions on the importation of building supplies, such as cement. The damage to school buildings has placed additional strain on the education system, which was already operating on double shifts before the war – with half the students attending in the morning and the other half in the afternoon – due to a shortage of classroom space.
One of the most densely populated areas on earth, Gaza today is at risk of health and environmental catastrophe from ailing water and sanitation infrastructure. The sewage system is unable to cope with the needs of the area’s 1.8 million people, meaning that 90 million litres of untreated or partially treated raw sewage is released into the Mediterranean Sea every day. Essential materials are barred from entry, making it impossible to update and maintain water and sanitation facilities and posing a serious threat to health and livelihoods.
Restrictions on fuel imports have led to severe electricity shortages, with ramifications for many sectors. Without access to regular and reliable electricity, hospitals are unable to operate at full capacity, and have had to postpone elective surgeries to prioritize emergencies. Fuel shortages have also affected access to water, as pumps cannot operate at full capacity and sewage treatment plants have had to run shortened treatment cycles.
Gaza has the highest unemployment rate in the world, estimated at nearly 43 per cent in 2014. Nearly 80 per cent of the population is dependent on international aid.
UNICEF is on the ground in Gaza providing education, nutrition, health and psychosocial support to children affected by trauma. We are also helping to restore access to water, sanitation and hygiene.
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 Doras Heart  Empty Myanmar to host hot air balloon festival

Post  Pustala Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:49 am

Myanmar is ready to host a hot air balloon show to celebrate the traditional Tazaungdaing, the festival of light, from November 8- 15, 2016.
Many tourists are expected to flock to Taunggyi, the capital of Shan state in Myanmar, where the festival will be celebrated on a grand scale, said reports.
The festival begins with several papier-mâché hot air balloons floating in the sky in the afternoon. Later in the evening, the major highlight — the fire balloons — are released into the sky.
The fire balloons rise to the sky with fire crackers attached to them and makes for a grand spectacle.
This year, Myanmar tourism has arranged for a safe area from where tourists will be able to watch the balloons.
This is an old tradition in Myanmar. Fire-lit balloons have been an integral part of the Tazaungdaing festival, celebrated by the citizens of Myanmar.
The festival is celebrated across the country, but the biggest celebrations take place in Shan.
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 Doras Heart  Empty Izabella Krzan is Miss Polonia 2016.

Post  Pustala Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:23 pm

Izabella Krzan is the new Miss Universe Poland 2016. She will be heading to the Philippines this January to represent Poland at Miss Universe 2016.
Starting in 1929, winners entering Miss Europe. Traditionally, the winner of Miss Polonia represented Poland in Miss World and Miss Universe.
In 2007, Miss World took away the franchise from Miss Polonia and returned it to the non-related national contest Miss Polski. Since then, the winners of Miss Polonia represent Poland in Miss Universe and the runner-ups represent Poland in Miss Europe, Miss Earth, Miss International and Miss Baltic Sea.
"Za nami długo oczekiwana finałowa gala Miss Polonia 2016. Wydarzenie odbyło się aż po czterech latach przerwy. Oznacza to, że Miss Polonia 2012, Paulina Krupińska, była najdłużej panującą miss w historii polskich wyborów. Modelka, która w tym czasie zdążyła urodzić córeczkę, wręczyła koronę swojej następczyni. Do wielkiego finału awansowało dwadzieścia piękności z całej Polski.
Zwyciężczynią prestiżowego konkursu została Izabella Krzan. I wicemiss Polonia okrzyknięto Dominikę Szymańska, a II wicemiss Katarzynę Włodarek. Świeżo upieczona miss otrzymała nową, ozdobioną bursztynem koronę o wartości ponad 50 tysięcy złotych. Uroczysta gala miała miejsce w Hotelu Narvil Conference & Spa w Serocku nad Jeziorem Zegrzyńskim, a poprowadził ją Olivier Janiak. Wieczór uświetnili swoimi występami Halina Mlynkova, Kasia Cerekwicka i Łukasz Zagrobelny."

Last edited by Pustala on Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:54 pm; edited 10 times in total


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 Doras Heart  Empty Haafu' and proud: Miss World Japan won by mixed-race contestant.

Post  Pustala Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:41 pm

Japan will be represented at this year’s Miss World contest by a woman with a Japanese mother and Indian father after Priyanka Yoshikawa became the country’s second mixed-race contestant in a row chosen for a major international pageant.
The qualified elephant trainer who counts kickboxing among her hobbies said she would use her title to promote greater inclusiveness in Japan where, according to government statistics, haafu – those born with one non-Japanese parent – comprised 2% of all children born in 2012.
The 22-year-old Yoshikawa, who was born in Tokyo but also spent some of her childhood in India and the US, praised Ariana Miyamoto, who won Miss Universe Japan in 2015, for giving her the confidence to enter Miss World.
Miyamoto, the child of a Japanese mother and African American father, endured a racist backlash on social media, with some asking why the title had not been awarded to a “pure” Japanese, although many other commenters celebrated her victory.
“Before Ariana, haafu girls couldn’t represent Japan,” Yoshikawa told AFP after winning the title in Tokyo on Monday night. “That’s what I thought too. I didn’t doubt it or challenge it until this day. Ariana encouraged me a lot by showing me and showing all mixed girls the way.”
Yoshikawa said her background did not disqualify her or other mixed race people from representing Japan. “We are Japanese,” she said. “Yes I’m half Indian and people are asking me about my purity – yes my dad is Indian and I’m proud of it, I’m proud that I have Indian in me. But that does not mean I’m not Japanese.”
Miyamoto, who was born and raised in Nagasaki, complained in 2015 that she had been bullied as a child for looking different. “In school people used to throw rubbish at me,” she said in an interview with CNN. “They also used racial slurs.”
Some social media users questioned her right to represent Japan, with one saying that her title was a “contradiction”given her parentage.
The response to Yoshikawa’s victory was more muted, although some Twitter users wondered if a “pure” Japanese contestant would ever win the title. “What’s the point of holding a pageant like this now? Zero national characteristics,” one poster said. Another complained: “It’s like we’re saying a pure Japanese face can’t be a winner.”
The Indian embassy in Tokyo congratulated Yoshikawa on her victory, which entitles her to represent Japan at the Miss World contest in Washington in December.
Yoshikawa said she was confident she could challenge the perception that mixed race children are not quite Japanese enough. “We have problems, we’ve been struggling and it hurts,” she said.
“When I came back to Japan everyone thought I was a germ … like if they touched me they would be touching something bad. But I’m thankful because that made me really strong.
“As Miss Japan, hopefully I can help change perceptions so that it can be the same here too. The number of people with mixed race is only going to increase, so people have to accept it.”
Japanese children born to international marriages were also in evidence at the Rio Olympics. They included Mashu Baker, who took gold in the men’s under-90kg judo, and Aska Cambridge, who was part of Japan’s silver medal-winning men’s 4x100m relay team.
Author: Justin McCurry in Tokyo
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