Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year 1113

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Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year 1113
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Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year

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Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Empty Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year

Post  bonner Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:59 am

AJ Perez - Candy September 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Aj_candymag
Akihiro Sato - Garage November 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Akihiro_garage
Derek Ramsay - Cosmomen September 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Derek_cover-1
Dingdong Dantes - People Asia June 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Dingdong_People
Gabby Concepcion - Metro Him 2nd Quarter 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Gabby_metrohim
Jake Cuenca - Garage Aug/Sept 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Jake_garage
Manny Pacquiao - Reader’s Digest December 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Pacquiaoreadersdigestcover1
Mark Anthony Fernandez - Metro Him 4th Quarter 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Markanthony_menshealth
Piolo Pascual - Metro December 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Piolo_metro-2
Rovilson Fernandez - Metro Him 3rd Quarter 2008
Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Rovilson_metrohim-1

vote here

Number of posts : 124858
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year Empty Re: Vote for the Philippines’ Coverguy of the Year

Post  Anonymní Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:46 pm

aj and jake are hot...


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