BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. 1113

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BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. 1113
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BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery.

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BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. Empty BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery.

Post  bonner Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:22 am

BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery.

BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. 1587
BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. 2424
Kevin Montes, Men Universe Model 2017 from Puerto Rico just posted this on his facebook:

Dear friends, My name is Kevin Montes, a student of biology and professional model, I am Puerto Rican and decided to represent my country and the Puerto Rican youth, in the contest Mister Men universe not only to make me known as a model but also to serve Example to other young people who fight for their dreams, regardless the dream they have, I had the pleasant experience of having the support of wonderful people at the local level, who helped me in my preparation to fulfill that dream of representing my island, when I came to The Dominican Republic, the support and affection of the Dominican people was extraordinary, to all the Dominican people, thank you so much for so many proofs of affection, it was not until the day that I achieve my triumph that all that dream came down and understood that what for many is a Dream, for others is a system of exploitation and money for your personal benefit and I refer exclusively to Mr. Robert Flores, owner of the contest Mister Men universe, which from the day I won, never fulfilled anything that offers us in his contest , press, radio, television, only gave me a world of promises and lies, because not even an interview in a supermarket gave me, since the day I win spends today this gentleman has not paid me a penny of my prize, not a penny , it's all been a game, next month, and I'm going to pay ect ect ECT and compliance is not performed. For Compertir in these competitions is invested not only a lot of dedication but also a lot of money, to give the best of each one of us, clothes, photographs, typical costumes, ect ect.

If we look good, in the same way our countries looks good and the contest where we participate, if I meet, because Mr. Robert Flores has not fulfilled his part? Where are the profits generated by the payment of each national director who sends a candidate , let's do the sum! However, Mr. Flores only has benefited from my work, to give more credibility to their pages, because all work I've done as a model in Puerto Rico and Ny has been on my own and people who have extended my hand , nothing to do with this contest, where he has published my work, to sell his contest. This public lawsuit goes far beyond money, I'm talking about abuse, lack of morality or deceit. When I went to deliver my tape, but did not wish to go, understood that the fans are not guilty of what is behind this contest, even express me publicly well of the Lord and his organization, but silence the truth of this contest makes me accomplice , to fall future victims, I have nothing against these competitions, but scrupulous people, who manage them for only and exclusively personal benefit ,as has been in the case of Mr. Robert Flores, I make a warning and future candidates, not all that Shine is gold, sponsors as tourism, investigate who are sponsoring since that money, could go to real projects and empower the country, not this trap disguised. With no more to say, I finish with the following sentence, Mr. FLORES, make yourself a contest of exploitation, lies and robbery, which for that you have art!

Let's share my testimony to keep this from happening

Estimados Amigos ,

Mi nombre es Kevin Montes , estudiante de Biología y modelo profesional , Soy Puertorriqueño y decidí representar a mi país y la juventud Puertorriqueña , en el certamen Mister Men Universe no sólo para darme a conocer como modelo pero tambien para servir de ejemplo a otros jóvenes que luchan por sus sueños , indenpendientemente el sueño que tengan , tuve la grata experiencia de contar con el apoyo de maravillosas personas a nivel local , que me ayudaron en mi preparación para cumplir ese sueño de representar mi isla .Al llegar a la República Dominicana , el apoyo y cariño del pueblo dominicano fue extraodinario , a todo el pueblo dominicano , muchísimas gracias por tantas pruebas de cariño , no fue hasta el dia que logre mi triunfo que todo aquel sueño se vino abajo y entendi que lo que para muchos es un sueño , para otros es un sistema de explotación y dinero para su beneficio personal y me refiero exclusivamente al Sr. Robert Flores , dueño del certamen Mister Men Universe , que desde el día que gané, jamas cumplió con nada de lo que nos ofrece en su concurso , prensa , radio ,televisión , solo me brindó un mundo de promesas y mentiras , porque ni siquiera una entrevista en un supermercado me brindó , desde el día que gane gasta la fecha de hoy este señor No me ha pagado un centavo de mi premio que eran 10,000 dólares en efectivo , ni un centavo , todo ha sido un juego , el proximo mes , ya te lo voy a pagar ect ect ect y el cumplimiento no se realiza . Para compertir en estos concursos se invierte no solo mucha dedicacion pero tambien mucho dinero , para dar lo mejor de cada uno de nosotros , ropa ,fotografias , vestuario tipico , ect ect .

Si nosotros lucimos bien , de la misma forma luce bien nuestros paises y el concurso donde participamos , Si yo cumpli , porque el Sr. Robert Flores no ha cumplido con su parte ? Donde estan las ganancias que el genera del pago de cada director nacional que envia a un canditado , hagamos la suma ! No obstante el Sr. Solo se ha beneficiado de mi trabajo , para darle mas credibilidad a sus paginas, ya que todo trabajo que he hecho como modelo tanto en Puerto Rico como en Ny ha sido por cuenta propia y personas que me ha extendido la mano , nada que ver con este certamen , donde el ha publicado mi trabajo , para vender su concurso . Esta querella publica va mucho mas alla del dinero , estoy hablando de abuso , falta de moralidad o engaño . Cuando fui a entregar mi cinta , aunque no deseba ir , entendi que los fans no tiene culpa de lo que existe detras de este certamen , incluso me exprese publicamente bien del señor y su organizacion , pero callar la verdad de este certamen me convierte en complice ,a que caigan futuras victimas , no tengo nada en contra de estos certamenes , sino de personas escrupulosas , que los manejan para solo y exclusivamente benefio personal , como ha sido en el caso del Sr. Robert flores , hago una advertencia y futuros canditados , no todo lo que brilla es oro ,
A los auspiciadores como Turismo , investiguen a quien estan patrocinando ya que ese dinero , podria ir a proyectos reales y que empoderen el pais , no esta trampa disfrazada . Sin mas nada que decir , Termino con la siguiente oracion ,

Sr. FLORES , hágase un concurso de Explotacion , mentiras y robo , que para eso usted tienen arte !
Vamos a compartir mi testimonio para que esto siga sucediendo!
Kevin Montes, 24, 6'5", a Biology student from San Juan, Puerto Rico was named #MenUniverseModel2017 held on 16th June 2017 at IFA Villas Bavaro – Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. The first and only Puerto Rican so far to win the title.

Kevin Montes is now represented by Next Models NYC, one of the biggest modelling agency in the world based in New York.
BREAKING! Men Universe Model is a contest of Exploitation, Lies and Robbery. 47574911

Number of posts : 124258
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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