Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28. 1113

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Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28. 1113
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Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28.

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Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28. Empty Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28.

Post  joselo Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:51 am

Miss Universe 1954. Photo 28.

This photo was published on 17th July, six days before the final night. Beauties from all over the world, many in national costumes, line up beside their plane after arriving at Long Beach, California, for the annual Miss Universe contest. The pageant runs through this week, with American girls first competing for the title Miss U.S.A., with the winner then judged against representatives of foreign nations. Miss France won in 1953.

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Number of posts : 2152
Location : New Zealand
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Venezuela, USA and Chile
Registration date : 2011-10-21

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