Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment 1113

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Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment 1113
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Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment

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Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment Empty Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment

Post  Miu_Miu Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:52 am

The 36th Miss Asia Pacific International Pageant was held in Guangzhou, China, April 9, 2005. Miss Costa Rica (Leonora Jim¨¦nez) won the title of Miss Asia Pacific. Miss Russia (Yevgeniya Lapova) and Miss China (Yanina Zhang Liru) won respectively the second and third place.

Note: The pageant organizers specially composed the "National Theme" of each country/territory while the respective contestant was introducing herself during the Opening Parade of Nation Show.


Afghanistan --- Contestant @ Miss Earth 2003
Albania --- Contestant @ Miss Earth 2004
Argentina --- Contestant @ Miss Universe 2003
Costa Rica --- Contestant @ Miss World 2005
Denmark --- Contestant @ Miss World 2002
Ecuador --- Contestant @ Miss World 2004
Peru --- Top 15 Semi-finalist @ Miss Universe 2003/ Top 10 Finalist @ Miss Earth 2003
Singapore --- Contestant @ Miss World 2006
USA --- Top 15 Semi-finalist @ Miss USA 2008
Uruguay --- Contestant @ Miss World 2004

Part One

Part Two

Part Thee

Last edited by Miu_Miu on Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 271
Age : 39
Location : Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Ly Jonaitis
Registration date : 2008-08-21

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Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment Empty Re: Miss Asia-Pacific International 2005 Parade of Nations + Crowning Moment

Post  Miu_Miu Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:54 am

Crowning Moment

4th Runner-up: Philippines
3rd Runner-up: Peru
2nd Runner-up: China
1st Runner-up: Russia
Miss Asia-Pacific Int' 2005: Costa Rica


Number of posts : 271
Age : 39
Location : Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Ly Jonaitis
Registration date : 2008-08-21

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