Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1. 1113

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Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1. 1113
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Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1.

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Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1. Empty Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1.

Post  joselo Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:50 am

Miss Universe 1956. Interesting Facts 1.
Universal-International hasn't succeeded with the previous winners as actresses.
Miss Universe 1952 from Finland Armi Kuusela decided to get married with a millionaire from Philippines.
Miss Universe 1953 from France Christiane Martel gave up because she could never speak English fluently.                                            
Miss Universe 1954 from U.S.A. Miriam Stevenson decided to finish her studies instead of having a career in Hollywood.                                                
Miss Universe 1955 from Sweden Hillevi Rombin had been given a six-word role, but she flew to Sweden to see her fiance. She returned to Holywood unmarried and is still under contract to Universal-International. She is just back from a personal appearance tour in South America.                                              
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Number of posts : 2099
Location : New Zealand
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Venezuela, USA and Chile
Registration date : 2011-10-21

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