Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) 1113

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Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) 1113
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Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023)

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Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) Empty Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023)

Post  Farah Vavaihan Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:35 pm

🇦🇺 | The new Miss Grand Australia is Mikaela-Rose Fowler (@mikaelarose.fowler), a 28 years old disability support worker.
Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) Fb_26294

She is passionate about reducing the stigma around disability. As a neurodivergent woman herself, she understands that this world wasn’t built for everyone, which is why she wants to use her title to inspire the world to show kindness to all and to always approach others with an open mind. She reminds us to remember we should not make assumptions about others and must look for ways we can help others in order to improve their lives.
Farah Vavaihan
Farah Vavaihan

Number of posts : 15167
Location : Laguna, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss International Queen
Favourite Miss : Kevin Balot
Registration date : 2016-01-31

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Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) Empty Re: Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023)

Post  Farah Vavaihan Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:35 pm

Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) Fb_26295
Mikaela Rose Fowler (AUSTRALIA 2023) Fb_26296
Farah Vavaihan
Farah Vavaihan

Number of posts : 15167
Location : Laguna, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss International Queen
Favourite Miss : Kevin Balot
Registration date : 2016-01-31

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