Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! 1113

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Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! 1113
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Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise!

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Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Empty Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise!

Post  bonner Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:56 am

Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise!
Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Fb_i2310

Here’s the Full Statement:

“The Miss Universe Organization has decided to terminate the relationship with its current franchisee in Indonesia and Malaysia, PT Capella Swastika Karya, and its National Director, Poppy Capella.

“In light of what we have learned took place at Miss Universe Indonesia, it has become clear that this franchise has not lived up to our brand standards, ethics, or expectations as outlined in our franchise handbook and code of conduct.

“Providing a safe place for women is the Miss Universe Organization's utmost priority, and the events at this particular pageant are diametrically opposed to everything we stand for as an organization.

“PT Capella Swastika Karya and its principals will not be moving forward with Miss Universe Malaysia 2023, and will not be given any additional contracts within our organization. We will be canceling Miss Universe Malaysia 2023, and will make arrangements for the Indonesia 2023 titleholder to compete in this year's Miss Universe pageant.

“We are also evaluating our current franchise agreement as well as our policies and procedures to prevent this type of conduct from occurring and to ensure that future events worldwide remain within the brand standards that we have set out for all of our international franchises.

“We also want to make it extremely clear that there are no measurements such as height, weight, or body dimensions required to join a Miss Universe pageant worldwide.

“To the women who came forward from the Indonesia pageant - we're sorry that this was your experience with our organization. We appreciate your bravery in speaking out, and we pledge to do better in the future.”

Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Fb_i2313
Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Fb_i2311
Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Fb_i2312
Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Fb_i2314

Number of posts : 124858
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise! Empty Re: Miss Universe Indonesia and Miss Universe Malaysia lose their MU franchise!

Post  bonner Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:57 am

The winner might still compete but probably no Miss Malaysia this year

Number of posts : 124858
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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