Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10. 1113

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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10. 1113
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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10.

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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10. Empty Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10.

Post  joselo Wed May 08, 2024 9:37 am

Miss Universe 1958. Photo 10.
This photo was published on 14th July, eleven days before the final night. Miss Universe 1958 candidates. Strolling on Fifth Ave. near 59th Street in New York yesterday are these candidates fpr Miss Universe beauty contest which starts in Long Beach, California, next week. From left to right Miss Belgium, Liliane Taelemans; Miss England, Dorothy Hazeldine; Miss Israel, Miriam Hadar; Miss Norway, Greta Andersen; Miss Sweden, Birgitta Gardman; Miss France, Monique Boulinguez; Miss Greece, Marily Kalimopoulou; Miss Poland, Alicja Bobrzowska; Miss Denmark, Evy Norlund; Miss Chile, Raquel Molina; Miss Cuba, Arminia Pérez and Miss Netherlands, Corine Rottschäfer.
You can see more photos from old newspapers and videos about previous beauty pageants on our Facebook page “Bella Flores” (Beauty Pageants Of The Planet - BPOTP [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  Thanks for visiting us and for your support.
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Number of posts : 2204
Location : New Zealand
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Venezuela, USA and Chile
Registration date : 2011-10-21

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