Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64. 1113

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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64. 1113
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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64.

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Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64. Empty Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64.

Post  joselo Thu Aug 08, 2024 6:05 am

Miss Universe 1958. Photo 64.
This photo was published on 25th July, the day of the final night. Miss Canada, Cindy Conroy represents her country in the Miss Universe 1958 contest at Long Beach, California, she is 21 years old, of Toronto. She was born in Dublin, Ireland.
The Miss Universe competition begins tonight, when the 35 contestants will be cut down to 15 semifinalists. Miss Universe will be selected Friday night.
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Number of posts : 2212
Location : New Zealand
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Venezuela, USA and Chile
Registration date : 2011-10-21

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