Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024) 1113

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Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024) 1113
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Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024)

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Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024) Empty Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024)

Post  Farah Vavaihan Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:34 pm

Miss Earth Belgium 2024
Elizabeth Victoria Raska (BELGIUM 2024) Snapi210

Elizabeth Victoria Raska is an economist, model and figure skater from the capital of Europe, Brussels. She holds both an economics degree and a master’s in management and studied in Tokyo, Japan at the Sophia University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies. Through her #Natureli campaign, she promotes the many different ways we can be more sustainable in our daily lives. Elizabeth is also a financial literacy advocate who created the @moneywitheli account to educate women about the importance of being financially literate. As an economist and sustainability advocate, she aims to create the next generation of changemakers.
Farah Vavaihan
Farah Vavaihan

Number of posts : 14771
Location : Laguna, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss International Queen
Favourite Miss : Kevin Balot
Registration date : 2016-01-31

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