The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 1113

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 1113
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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Sabiondo Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:43 am

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-58-DSC08765
The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-01-DSC08735

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-02-DSC08648The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-04-DSC08642

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-05-DSC08644
The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-03-DSC08650

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-06-DSC08645

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-10-DSC08649The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-12-DSC08651
The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-13-DSC08652The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-14-DSC08654
The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-16-DSC08655The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-17-DSC08656

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-19-DSC08657The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-21-DSC08658

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-24-DSC08662The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-27-DSC08666

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-25-DSC08664

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-29-DSC08667

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-32-DSC08668The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-50-DSC08759

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-33-DSC08669

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-35-DSC08692

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-42-DSC08702

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-59-DSC08723

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-40-DSC08740

Number of posts : 7945
Age : 35
Location : From Venezuela to Russia..¡¡¡
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Dayana Mendoza , Carolina Izack & Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Lucky Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:16 am

Hm, I am really curious. Portuguesa looks also very good.
I am still for Delta Amacuro Smile

Number of posts : 9031
Age : 49
Location : PRAGUE
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Del Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:28 am

Veronika wrote:Hm, I am really curious. Portuguesa looks also very good.
I am still for Delta Amacuro Smile

I agree, I noticed Portuguesa in the gala event, she looked great! But in pics she always looks the same...
For me the best is still Amazonas, lovely, and with some preparation she can conquer the universe (her catwalk is still better than the one of many European pageant girls...) Wink Delta Amacuro is so cute!!! She's got one great body and fantastic catwalk! She has teh face for Miss World IMO...

Number of posts : 8212
Age : 47
Location : Houston, TX
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Lucky Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:54 am

I prefer Sucre over Amazonas.

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-27-DSC08666

Also Carabobo and Trujillo are among my favourites Smile

A big big NO for me are Barinas (OMG, what she is doing there?!), Dtto. Capital, Miranda, Canaima and Bolivar.

Number of posts : 9031
Age : 49
Location : PRAGUE
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Anonymní Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:39 pm

What does Miss Ebel win? Next appointment with a plastic surgeon? alien


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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Sabiondo Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:55 pm

Donald Morley wrote:What does Miss Ebel win? Next appointment with a plastic surgeon? alien

No, wins a contract to be the face of EBEL cosmetics for 1 year...¡¡¡¡ What a Face

Number of posts : 7945
Age : 35
Location : From Venezuela to Russia..¡¡¡
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Dayana Mendoza , Carolina Izack & Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Sabiondo Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:02 pm

Del wrote:
Veronika wrote:Hm, I am really curious. Portuguesa looks also very good.
I am still for Delta Amacuro Smile

I agree, I noticed Portuguesa in the gala event, she looked great! But in pics she always looks the same...
For me the best is still Amazonas, lovely, and with some preparation she can conquer the universe (her catwalk is still better than the one of many European pageant girls...) Wink Delta Amacuro is so cute!!! She's got one great body and fantastic catwalk! She has teh face for Miss World IMO...

Here are others pics of Delta Amacuro, who was won the Elite Model Look Venezuela 2004:

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics N771552523_1241066_3098

Number of posts : 7945
Age : 35
Location : From Venezuela to Russia..¡¡¡
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Dayana Mendoza , Carolina Izack & Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  bubbles Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:15 pm

The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics 12666-42-DSC08702

NO to trujillo. oh my, what harsh features she have...

Number of posts : 2352
Location : latitude 14°50'53"N, longitude 120°54'42"E
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Honey Lee 이하늬
Registration date : 2008-08-30

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The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics Empty Re: The contestants of Miss Venezuela 2008 visits EBEL Cosmetics

Post  Guest Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:54 pm

My favorite 3 girls are still Trujillo, Sucre and Amazonas....hope the crown will be in one of them.... GOOD LUCK GIRLS !!!


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