«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 1113

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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 1113
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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest

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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest Empty «Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest

Post  stan_brusher Sun May 08, 2011 4:55 pm


I want to represent the brilliant faceted by the «Miss Algora-469» form –
one of 18 forms of the ideal russian facetting of Gordeev 469.

«Miss Algora-469» is also an annual beauty contest,
It spending in different Russian and Ukrainian cities.

More about the form:
More about the beauty contest:

The form patent: №73295

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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 11
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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 34
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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 40
«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 36
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«Miss Algora-469»: the brilliant form and the beauty contest 02
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Number of posts : 11
Location : Moscow
Favourite Pageant : Miss AlGora 469
Favourite Miss : Anna Parkhomenko
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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