Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad 1113

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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad 1113
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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad

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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Empty Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad

Post  Sabiondo Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:43 pm

Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Miss-armenia

Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad 223794_218090478237610_212692958777362_629513_8359480_n

YEREVAN, September 9 — Around 100 girls have filed an application to participate in the beauty contest Miss Armenia 2011 that will be held in Yerevan in October,” said Mamikon Danielyan, the head of the contest.

“September 20 is set as the application deadline. The majority of the girls, which makes up 60-70 percent, are from Yerevan, next comes Armavir,” he said. According to Danielyan, a participant from Nagorno Karabakh will also take part in the contest. ”Only 20-24 will partake in the final contest,” he said.

Danielyan noted that Miss Armenia beauty contest was not being held during the past three years because of financial problems. Nevertheless, as he said, this year they managed to find sponsors to finance the contest. “We’re also planning to apply for state sponsorship,” he added.

Miss Armenia 2011 beauty contest will be held on October 10-15.

Also Armenia is en-listed on Miss World contestant weebsite Smile

Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Fashionrunwayhallwayschool
Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Electronic_Dance_Music__Stamp__by_T
Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Blinkies

Number of posts : 7945
Age : 35
Location : From Venezuela to Russia..¡¡¡
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Dayana Mendoza , Carolina Izack & Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Empty Re: Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad

Post  Sabiondo Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:48 pm

Therse are the girls who was attend the casting few weks ago:

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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad 306346_249824688397522_212692958777362_733412_801875512_n
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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad 296408_245392805507377_212692958777362_716550_55805429_n

In few hours the names of the contestants will be know for the public.

Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Fashionrunwayhallwayschool
Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Electronic_Dance_Music__Stamp__by_T
Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Blinkies

Number of posts : 7945
Age : 35
Location : From Venezuela to Russia..¡¡¡
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Dayana Mendoza , Carolina Izack & Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad Empty Re: Miss Armenia (World) 2011 - Official Therad

Post  bonner Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:02 pm

Great Sabi Very Happy

Number of posts : 124888
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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