Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1113

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Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1113
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Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned)

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Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) Empty Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned)

Post  bonner Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:03 am

Due to citizenship issues, Miriam Quambao replaced her as the representative of the Philippines in Miss Universe 1999 in Trinidad & Tobago where she placed 1st runner up
Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_BAUTISTA_01-01wm
Janelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_BAUTISTA_01-02wmJanelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_03-02wmJanelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_03-01wmJanelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_03-03wmJanelle Delfin Bautista - Bb Pilipinas - Universe 1999 (Dethroned) 1999-BINIBINI_03-04wm

Number of posts : 124853
Age : 35
Location : Makati City, Philippines
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Bb Pilipinas
Favourite Miss : Lalaine Bennett (Philippines Universe 1963 - From our Town Bayombong)
Rachel Smith(Miss USA 2007)
Angela Martini (Miss Albania Universe 2010)

Registration date : 2008-11-17

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