Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... 1113

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Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... 1113
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Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc...

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Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... Empty Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc...

Post  JEANP Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:53 am

Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... 229642_10150253734753803_2503228_n
Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... 1

Who will be crown the first Miss venezuela Mundo (seperated of the Miss Venezuela pageant) and will succeed to Gabriela Ferrari Miss Venezuela Mundo 2012?

Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... Gabriella-Ferrari

Final wil be held druing the month of March.

Number of posts : 4147
Age : 30
Location : Midi-Pyrénées, France
Favourite Pageant : Miss France
Miss Supranational
Favourite Miss : Malika Ménard
Chloé Mortaud
Gwendoline Ruais
Oxana federova
Anastagia Pierre
Marigona Dragusha
Zuljeily Andino
Maria Tsagaraki
Valérie Bègue
Virgine Dechenaud
Diane Necio
Denice André
Jessica Barboza
Dominique Peltier
Michelle Rouillard
Christianne Martelle
Denise Perrier

Registration date : 2011-08-12

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Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... Empty Re: Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc...

Post  JEANP Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:53 am


Number of posts : 4147
Age : 30
Location : Midi-Pyrénées, France
Favourite Pageant : Miss France
Miss Supranational
Favourite Miss : Malika Ménard
Chloé Mortaud
Gwendoline Ruais
Oxana federova
Anastagia Pierre
Marigona Dragusha
Zuljeily Andino
Maria Tsagaraki
Valérie Bègue
Virgine Dechenaud
Diane Necio
Denice André
Jessica Barboza
Dominique Peltier
Michelle Rouillard
Christianne Martelle
Denise Perrier

Registration date : 2011-08-12

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Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc... Empty Re: Road to Miss Venezuela Mundo 2013 _ first rumors etc...

Post  JEANP Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:56 am

First rummors of contestants (to be confirmed):
Miss Bolivar 2010 Angela la Padula
Miss Barinas 2010 Kelly Martinez
Miss Zulia 2010 Stefani Araujo
Miss Monagas 2010 Angela Ruiz
Miss Zulia 2011 Maria Gabriela Criollo
Miss Tachira 2011 Milagros Manrrique

as the rumors only 10 contestants will compete and Julia Morley also ask to performed agaibn the mister venezuela pageant who will be also held in March and where the winner will go to Miss World 2013 which will be held in Vietnam.

Just rumors , to be confirmed.
Coourtesy of Latin misologo

Number of posts : 4147
Age : 30
Location : Midi-Pyrénées, France
Favourite Pageant : Miss France
Miss Supranational
Favourite Miss : Malika Ménard
Chloé Mortaud
Gwendoline Ruais
Oxana federova
Anastagia Pierre
Marigona Dragusha
Zuljeily Andino
Maria Tsagaraki
Valérie Bègue
Virgine Dechenaud
Diane Necio
Denice André
Jessica Barboza
Dominique Peltier
Michelle Rouillard
Christianne Martelle
Denise Perrier

Registration date : 2011-08-12

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