Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee) 1113

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Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee) 1113
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Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee)

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Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee) Empty Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee)

Post  JEANP Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:55 am

Ximena Vargas won the reinado Internacional del cafe 2012 (reign internacional of cofee) 07c40950862dac7430d076f1241d369c
Held in Manizales, Colombia the 8th of January in 2012.

The vicequeen is Miss Colombia, the first princess Miss Venezuela (Gabriela Ferrari), the second princess is Miss Indonesia and the third princess is Miss Brazil (Aline Sales).

More information on wikipedia.

Number of posts : 4147
Age : 30
Location : Midi-Pyrénées, France
Favourite Pageant : Miss France
Miss Supranational
Favourite Miss : Malika Ménard
Chloé Mortaud
Gwendoline Ruais
Oxana federova
Anastagia Pierre
Marigona Dragusha
Zuljeily Andino
Maria Tsagaraki
Valérie Bègue
Virgine Dechenaud
Diane Necio
Denice André
Jessica Barboza
Dominique Peltier
Michelle Rouillard
Christianne Martelle
Denise Perrier

Registration date : 2011-08-12

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