Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4. 1113

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Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4. 1113
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Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4.

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Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4. Empty Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4.

Post  joselo Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:02 am

Miss Universe 1957. Interesting Facts 4.
This is the third time that the top 15 was announced the night before of the election of Miss Universe. This is the top 15 of Miss Universe 1957. Front row from left to right: Miss Alaska, Martha Lehmann; Miss Austria, Hannerl Melcher; Miss Brazil, Terezinha Morango; and Miss Canada, Gloria Noakes. Second row from left to right: Miss Cuba, María Rosa Gamio; Miss England, Sonia Hamilton; Miss Germany, Gerti Daub; Miss Greece, Ligia Karavia; and Miss Italy, Valeria Fabrizzi. The last row from left to right: Miss Japan, Kyoko Otani; Miss Morocco, Jacqueline Dorella Bonilla; Miss Peru, Gladys Zender; Miss Sweden, Inger Jonsson; Miss U.S.A., Leona Gage; and Miss Uruguay, Gabriela Pascal.
Miss U.S.A. was disqualified because she was married and has two sons. Because of this, the contestant who was in the 16th place, advanced to the top 15. She is Miss Argentina Mónica Lamas.
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Number of posts : 2209
Location : New Zealand
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Venezuela, USA and Chile
Registration date : 2011-10-21

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