Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants 1113

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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants 1113
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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants

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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Empty Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants

Post  darkvindak Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:16 pm

this topic will be dedicated to beauty queens of Serbian origin who participated in some foreign national pageant or  represented some foreign country.

I will start with some girls who were winner is foreign national pageants.

List will be updated as I remember some girls I forgot or as some new girls appear
Zaklina Sojic 
winner of Miss Denmark Universe 2007 and  represented Denmark in Miss Universe 2007 and place in top 15.
Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Image

Anna Prelevic,
winner of Miss Greece Universe 2010 and represented Greece in Miss Universe 2010
Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Anna

Tijana Arnautovic
winner of Miss Miss Canda World 2004 and represented Canada in Miss World 2004
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Teodora Vranic 
represented Greece in Global Beauty Queen 2010
Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Teodora_Vranic

I am not 100 % sure about Michaela Savic is she Serb but I guess she is, Lidija Kocic said that she was born in Pancevo, Serbia and she has Serbian surname so I will put her in list
Michaela Savic 
represented Sweden in Miss Universe 2010
Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Sweden

Tamara Jemuovic 
Miss World Canada 2013 1st Runner up
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Dajana Radovanovic
participate in Miss Canada Universe 2012, placed in top 10
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Snezana Stojadinovic
participate in Miss Switzerland 2013
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Sandra Marjanovic
participate in Miss Switzerland 2013
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Kristina Petkovic 
Participate in Miss Universe Sweden 2013
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Number of posts : 2680
Location : la
Favourite Pageant : Miss World
Favourite Miss : Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2010-09-09

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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Empty Re: Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants

Post  Ian Sebastin Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:21 pm

I loved Miss Denmark 2007!! What about Miss Serbia 2003!! She was so fierce in her EG performance!!
Ian Sebastin
Ian Sebastin

Number of posts : 54
Location : Caracas
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe Pageant
Favourite Miss : Rima Fakih
Dayana Mendoza
Stefania Fernandez

Registration date : 2013-11-04

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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Empty Re: Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants

Post  darkvindak Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:37 pm

Ian Sebastin wrote:I loved Miss Denmark 2007!! What about Miss Serbia 2003!! She was so fierce in her EG performance!!
this is the topic about misses who are Serbian but represented a foreign country... Sanja Papic back in 2003 represented Serbia and Montenegro it was not foreign country

Number of posts : 2680
Location : la
Favourite Pageant : Miss World
Favourite Miss : Oxana Fedorova
Registration date : 2010-09-09

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Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants Empty Re: Serbian Women Who Participated in Foreign National Pageants

Post  Likok Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:14 pm

Andrea Cvjetic
participate in Miss Canada Universe 2013

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Lidija Vaskovic also participate in Miss Canada Universe 2013

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Number of posts : 3186
Location : Serbia
Registration date : 2009-07-06

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