Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  1113

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Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  1113
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Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!

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Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Empty Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!

Post  NiKa Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:53 pm

Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation  BREAKING NEWS  Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

Francys Barraza Sudnicka (MU/ME Poland 2006 and TOP 8 finalist of ME '06) is a new National Director of Miss Earth Poland pageant!  @6f67@@ -ds90-

Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Mepoland

Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  F23
Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Mis179e
Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Swim-203
Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Pbucket

Good luck, Francys!  -ewq-F -rhrhd-


Number of posts : 6154
Age : 36
Location : San Escobar xD
Favourite Pageant : none
Favourite Miss : Karolina Bielawska, Rolene Strauss
Registration date : 2012-07-18

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Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!  Empty Re: Miss Earth Poland 2006 is a new license holder for Miss Earth Poland!

Post  mamshie Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:45 pm

Great! She's one of the best Miss Poland I've seen. Katherine Espin (Miss Earth 2016) is the new National director of Ecuador too.


Number of posts : 412
Location : Manila
Favourite Pageant : Miss Universe
Favourite Miss : Pia Wurtzbach
Registration date : 2017-01-06

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