Casting Call for future Ms Universes in Kiev 1113

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Casting Call for future Ms Universes in Kiev 1113
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Casting Call for future Ms Universes in Kiev

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Casting Call for future Ms Universes in Kiev Empty Casting Call for future Ms Universes in Kiev

Post  lee Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:03 pm

TV C A S T I N G C A L L - K I E V - AUG 10, 2011

*Casting Reality Television show in Kiev*
Major US Production Company - Set to air on a major US TV Network.

D E T A I L S:

DATE: Wednesday August 10th, 2011
LOCATION: Kiev - Independence Square - #4 Shevchenka prov (Shevchenko lane) office 28. (Enter left side of McDonald’s building)
*If you do not live nearby Kiev, travel expenses may be arranged. Please contact us to discuss.
TIME: 11:00am - 2:00pm (Arrive Early!)
WHAT: Brief Interview (background, occupation, etc)
WHO: Single Women. Age 21-31
WHAT TO BRING:Your best attitude!!
CASTING REQUIREMENTS: Attractive, Conversational English, Intelligient, Family Oriented, Fun

  • How many women will be chosen? 30 approximately

  • How many eligible husbands on the show? 3 approximately. Only successful men under age 45, net worth 5+ million dollars.

Check out more at europeandreamtvshow dot com
good luck!


Number of posts : 1
Location : New York
Favourite Pageant : Ukraine
Favourite Miss : Olga S
Registration date : 2011-08-04

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